LAST CHANGE : 22.05.2003 OS LEVEL AIX: 4.3.3 ############################### # wichtige commands fuer die sp ############################### smitty config_mgmt smitty enter_data smitty node_data ######### # daemons ######### hatsd -> topology services hagsd -> group services haemd -> event management ######################### # ausschalten eines nodes ######################### spmon -power off node z.B.: colonia:/#spmon -power off node9 Schaltet node9 aus! oder hmcmds off 9 ######################### # einschalten eines nodes ######################### spmon -power on node z.B.: colonia:/#spmon -power on node9 Schaltet moritz ein! ################## # terminal oeffnen ################## s1term -w s1term -w 2 1 --> oeffnet terminal helene Beenden mit ctrl+x ##### # nim ##### pssp mknimmast mknimint create /tftpboot, /export + resource-dirs nimconfig command defines master, network objects builds /etc/niminfo root@cws [/spdata/sys1/install/pssplpp/PSSP-3.2]#more /etc/niminfo # nimconfig export NIM_NAME=master export NIM_CONFIGURATION=master export NIM_MASTER_PORT=1058 export NIM_REGISTRATION_PORT=1059 export NIM_MASTER_HOSTNAME=cws makes + starts nimesis subsystem mknimres (wrapper fuer nim -o define) spot lpp_source mksysb bosinst_data script mknimclient defines client machines allnimres nim -o allocate -a resource type=resource_name node_object_name nim -o bos_inst -a source=mksysb node_object_name adds entry to /etc/bootptab adds node files to /tftpboot nfs export resource file-dirs lsnim root@cws [/spdata/sys1/install/pssplpp/PSSP-3.2]#lsnim master machines master boot resources boot nim_script resources nim_script spnet_en0 networks ent spnet_en1 networks ent psspscript resources script prompt resources bosinst_data noprompt resources bosinst_data migrate resources bosinst_data lppsource_aix433 resources lpp_source node1_i machines standalone node5_i machines standalone mksysb_1 resources mksysb spot_aix433 resources spot lppsource_default resources lpp_source aix433_ML10 resources lpp_source pssp_latest_july_2002 resources lpp_source root@cws [/spdata/sys1/install/pssplpp/PSSP-3.2]#lsnim -l pssp_latest_july_2002 pssp_latest_july_2002: class = resources type = lpp_source Rstate = ready for use prev_state = unavailable for use location = /spdata/sys1/install/patch/pssp_3.2.0.20 alloc_count = 0 server = master root@cws [/spdata/sys1/install/pssplpp/PSSP-3.2]#lsnim -l node1_i node1_i: class = machines type = standalone platform = rs6k netboot_kernel = mp if1 = spnet_en0 node1_i 02608CF503B0 ent cable_type1 = bnc Cstate = ready for a NIM operation prev_state = customization is being performed Mstate = currently running Cstate_result = failure root@cws [/spdata/sys1/install/pssplpp/PSSP-3.2]#lsnim -l node5_i node5_i: class = machines type = standalone platform = rs6k netboot_kernel = up if1 = spnet_en0 node5_i 02608CE8FB82 ent cable_type1 = bnc Cstate = ready for a NIM operation prev_state = ready for a NIM operation Mstate = currently running ########################### # booteinstellungen aendern ########################### # bootarten: # diag # maintenance # disk # install # customize # migrate spbootins -r -l node rebooten oder /etc/rc.sp ausfuehren Bei customize KEINE Konsole oeffnen da bei tftp benutzt wird!!! /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/pssp_script /etc/ 1 02608CF503B0 5 02608CE8FB82 /etc/bootptab node1_i:bf=/tftpboot/node1_i:ip= z.B.: Um moritz in maintenance zu bringen auf CWS folgendes ausfuehren: - spbootins -r maintenance -l 9 Es wird ein Setup-Server ausgefuehrt der den bootmodus des Nodes auf maintenance setzt. Anschliessend einen netboot mit: - nodecond 1 9 WICHTIG: Kein s1term oeffnen da nodecond s1term oeffnet Status: /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/nc Beispiel: root@cws [~]#spbootins -r customize -l 1 setup_server command results from cws -------------------------------------------------------- setup_server: Running services_config script to configure SSP services.This may take a few minutes... 0513-044 The /usr/sbin/xntpd Subsystem was requested to stop. rc.ntp: Starting NTP daemon (xntpd) 0513-059 The xntpd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 10120. setup_CWS: 2545-105 kfcli service is already defined in /etc/inetd.conf setup_CWS: Control Workstation setup complete. mknimmast: Node 0 (cws) already configured as a NIM master. create_krb_files: tftpaccess.ctl file and client srvtab files created/updated on server node 0. 0042-001 nim: processing error encountered on "master": 0042-032 m_mknet: object name must be unique and "spnet_en1" already exists mknimint: 0016-286 The "nim -o define" command had a problem defining spnet_en1 on cws with a return code value of 1. mknimres: Copying /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/pssp_script to /spdata/sys1/install/pssp/pssp_script. mknimres: Copying /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/bosinst_data.template to /spdata/sys1/install/pssp/bosinst_data. mknimres: Copying /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/bosinst_data_prompt.template to /spdata/sys1/install/pssp/bosinst_data_prompt. mknimres: Copying /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/bosinst_data_migrate.template to /spdata/sys1/install/pssp/bosinst_data_migrate. mknimclient: 0016-242 Client node 1 (node1_i) is already defined on server node 0 (cws). mknimclient: 0016-242 Client node 5 (node5_i) is already defined on server node 0 (cws). export_clients: File systems exported to clients from server node 0. allnimres: Node 1 (node1_i) prepared for operation: customize. allnimres: Node 5 (node5_i) prepared for operation: disk. k4destroy: 2502-000 No tickets to destroy. setup_server: Processing complete (rc= 1). Please check console output for possible warning messages. node1_i: 0513-044 The /usr/sbin/xntpd Subsystem was requested to stop. node1_i: rc.ntp: Starting NTP daemon (xntpd) node1_i: 0513-059 The xntpd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 15014. node5_i: 0513-044 The /usr/sbin/xntpd Subsystem was requested to stop. node5_i: rc.ntp: Starting NTP daemon (xntpd) node5_i: 0513-059 The xntpd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 14074. ################# # Falls Probleme: ################# root@cws [~]#/usr/sbin/nim -o unconfig master 0513-044 The nimesis Subsystem was requested to stop. 0513-004 The Subsystem or Group, nimd, is currently inoperative. 0513-083 Subsystem has been Deleted. 0513-083 Subsystem has been Deleted. 0518-307 odmdelete: 16 objects deleted. 0518-307 odmdelete: 119 objects deleted. root@cws [~]#/bin/stopsrc -g sdr 0513-044 The sdr.cws Subsystem was requested to stop. root@cws [~]#/bin/stopsrc -g hb 0513-086 The hb Group is not on file. root@cws [~]#/bin/stopsrc -g hr 0513-044 The hr.cws Subsystem was requested to stop. root@cws [~]#/bin/stopsrc -s hardmon 0513-044 The hardmon Subsystem was requested to stop. root@cws [~]#/usr/sbin/installp -u bos.sysmgt.nim.master +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Pre-deinstall Verification... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Verifying selections...done Verifying requisites...done Results... SUCCESSES --------- Filesets listed in this section passed pre-deinstall verification and will be removed. Selected Filesets ----------------- bos.sysmgt.nim.master # Network Install Manager - Ma... << End of Success Section >> FILESET STATISTICS ------------------ 1 Selected to be deinstalled, of which: 1 Passed pre-deinstall verification ---- 1 Total to be deinstalled +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Deinstalling Software... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ installp: DEINSTALLING software for: bos.sysmgt.nim.master Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 1 mins 40 secs). +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Summaries: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installation Summary -------------------- Name Level Part Event Result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bos.sysmgt.nim.master USR DEINSTALL SUCCESS root@cws [~]#splstdata -a splstdata: 0022-001 The repository cannot be accessed. Return code was 80 . root@cws [~]#/bin/startsrc -s hardmon 0513-059 The hardmon Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 33296. root@cws [~]#/bin/startsrc -g hr 0513-059 The hr.cws Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 33594. root@cws [~]#/bin/startsrc -g hb 0513-086 The hb Group is not on file. root@cws [~]#/bin/startsrc -g sdr 0513-059 The sdr.cws Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 37492. root@cws [~]#spbootins -r customize -l 1 setup_server command results from cws -------------------------------------------------------- setup_server: Running services_config script to configure SSP services.This may take a few minutes... 0513-044 The /usr/sbin/xntpd Subsystem was requested to stop. rc.ntp: Starting NTP daemon (xntpd) 0513-059 The xntpd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 10130. setup_CWS: 2545-105 kfcli service is already defined in /etc/inetd.conf setup_CWS: Control Workstation setup complete. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Pre-installation Verification... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Verifying selections...done Verifying requisites...done Results... FILESET STATISTICS ------------------ 1 Selected to be installed, of which: 1 Passed pre-installation verification ---- 1 Total to be installed +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installing Software... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ installp: APPLYING software for: bos.sysmgt.nim.master . . . . . << Copyright notice for bos.sysmgt >> . . . . . . . Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5765C3403 (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1993, 1999. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. . . . . . << End of copyright notice for bos.sysmgt >>. . . . Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 37 secs). +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Summaries: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installation Summary -------------------- Name Level Part Event Result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bos.sysmgt.nim.master USR APPLY SUCCESS +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Pre-installation Verification... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Verifying selections...done Verifying requisites...done Results... FILESET STATISTICS ------------------ 1 Selected to be installed, of which: 1 Already installed (directly or via superseding filesets) ---- 0 Total to be installed Pre-installation Failure/Warning Summary ---------------------------------------- Name Level Pre-installation Failure/Warning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Already installed mknimmast: Node 0 (cws) defined as a NIM master. create_krb_files: tftpaccess.ctl file and client srvtab files created/updated on server node 0. mknimres: Copying /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/pssp_script to /spdata/sys1/install/pssp/pssp_script. mknimres: Successfully created the script resource named psspscript on cws. mknimres: Copying /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/bosinst_data.template to /spdata/sys1/install/pssp/bosinst_data. mknimres: Copying /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/bosinst_data_prompt.template to /spdata/sys1/install/pssp/bosinst_data_prompt. mknimres: Copying /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/bosinst_data_migrate.template to /spdata/sys1/install/pssp/bosinst_data_migrate. mknimres: Successfully created the bosinst_data resource named prompt on cws. mknimres: Successfully created the bosinst_data resource named noprompt on cws. mknimres: Successfully created the bosinst_data resource named migrate on cws. mknimres: Successfully created the lpp_source resource named lppsource_aix433 on cws. mknimclient: Client node 1 (node1_i) defined as NIM client on server node (NIM master) 0 (cws). mknimclient: Client node 5 (node5_i) defined as NIM client on server node (NIM master) 0 (cws). export_clients: File systems exported to clients from server node 0. allnimres: Node 1 (node1_i) prepared for operation: customize. allnimres: Node 5 (node5_i) prepared for operation: disk. k4destroy: 2502-000 No tickets to destroy. setup_server: Processing complete (rc= 0). node1_i: 0513-044 The /usr/sbin/xntpd Subsystem was requested to stop. node1_i: rc.ntp: Starting NTP daemon (xntpd) node1_i: 0513-059 The xntpd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5782. node5_i: 0513-044 The /usr/sbin/xntpd Subsystem was requested to stop. node5_i: rc.ntp: Starting NTP daemon (xntpd) node5_i: 0513-059 The xntpd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 13824. Status checken in : /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/nc ################ # spmon commands ################ 1. To query the key setting of node1 on frame1, enter: spmon -q -t /SP/frame/frame1/node1/keyModeSwitch/value 0 2. To perform the same query using an alias (uses query flag default), enter: spmon node1/keyModeSwitch/value 0 3. To query the LED settings of node1 on frame1, enter: spmon -L frame1/node1 You should receive output similar to the following: _____________ | _ _ _ | | |_| |_| |_| | Frame 1, Node 1 | |_| |_| |_| | |_____________| while true do spmon -L frame1/node1 sleep 2 #clear done oder spled (Falls X moeglich?!?) 4. To query the mux value on all switches in the system, enter: spmon -G -q -l frame*/switch*/mux/value /SP/frame/frame1/switch17/mux/value/0 5. To monitor the power LEDs on the nodes on frame1, enter: spmon -M frame1/node*/powerLED/value 2 1 6. To query the power LEDs on the nodes on frame1 and then monitor them and print the values in fully qualified hierarchical form, enter: spmon -M -q -l frame1/node*/powerLED/value /SP/frame/frame1/node1/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node3/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node5/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node7/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node9/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node10/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node11/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node12/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node13/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node14/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node15/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node16/powerLED/value/1 /SP/frame/frame1/node1/powerLED/value/2 /SP/frame/frame1/node1/powerLED/value/1 Note: "node*" returns powerLED values on switches in slots 1--16 also. 7. To power off node3 on frame2, enter: spmon -p off frame2/node3 If node3 on frame2 is outside the current system partition, enter: spmon -G -p off frame2/node3 8. To power off node3 on frame2 using alias format2, enter: spmon -p off node19 9. To change key setting on node1 on frame1 to service, enter: spmon -k service node1 10. To power off frame1, (type 17 frame supervisor only), enter: spmon -G -p off frame1 11. To power off frame1, (SEPBU - type 18 frame supervisor), enter: spmon -G -p off frame1/A 12. To set the frame1 switch to be the master switch (use internal oscillator), enter: spmon -G -m i frame1 or spmon -G -m i frame1/switch 13. To set frame 10, switch4 in a switch-only frame to be the master switch, enter: spmon -G -m i frame10/switch4 colonia:/#spmon -d -G 1. Checking server process Process 20904 has accumulated 10 minutes and 21 seconds. Check successful 2. Opening connection to server Connection opened Check successful 3. Querying frame(s) 2 frames Check successful 4. Checking frames Controller Slot 17 Switch Switch Power supplies Frame Responds Switch Power Clocking A B C D ----- ---------- ------- ------ -------- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 yes yes on 0 on on on on 2 yes no N/A N/A on on on on 5. Checking nodes ----------------------------------- Frame 1 ---------------------------------- Host Switch Key Env Front Panel LCD/LED Slot Node Type Power Responds Responds Switch Error LCD/LED Flashes ---- ---- ----- ----- -------- -------- ------- ----- ---------------- ------- 1 1 high on yes yes normal no LCDs are blank no 5 5 thin on yes yes normal no LEDs are blank no 7 7 thin on yes yes normal no LEDs are blank no 9 9 thin on yes yes normal no LEDs are blank no 11 11 thin on yes yes normal no LEDs are blank no ----------------------------------- Frame 2 ---------------------------------- Host Switch Key Env Front Panel LCD/LED Slot Node Type Power Responds Responds Switch Error LCD/LED Flashes ---- ---- ----- ----- -------- -------- ------- ----- ---------------- ------- 1 17 wide on yes yes N/A no LCDs are blank no 3 19 wide on yes yes N/A no LCDs are blank no ######## # reboot ######## reset node3 spmon -reset node3 ########## # shutdown ########## 2. To shut down all the nodes in the SP system regardless of system partitions and the sequence file, enter: cshutdown -GXY ALL 3. To shut down nodes 1, 9, and 16--20 regardless of system partitions and subject to the restrictions of the sequence file, enter: cshutdown -G -N 1 9 16-20 The command may fail if any node in the list depends on any node that is not on the list and that node is not shutdown. 4. To shut down all the nodes in the current system partition, enter: cshutdown ALL The command may fail if any node in the current system partition depends on nodes outside of the current system partition. 5. To shut down nodes 1, 5, and 6 in the current system partition, enter: cshutdown -N 1 5 6 The command may fail if any node in the list is not in the current system partition or depends on nodes outside of the current system partition. Specify the -X flag to ignore the sequence file and force nodes 1, 5, and 6 to be shut down. The following command is successful even if node 5 is gated by a node that is not shut down or is outside the current system partition: cshutdown -X -N 1 5 6 7. To do a fast shut down on node 5 without sending a warning message to the user, enter: cshutdown -F -N 5 8. To verify the sequence file without shutting down any node, enter the -k flag as follows. If both the -k and -F flags are specified, the sequence file can be tested without actually shutting down any nodes and without issuing a warning message to the user. cshutdown -kF ALL 9. Specify the -r flag to halt the target nodes and restart them with cstartup. If necessary, specify the -C flag to provide cstartup_options. For example, to halt and restart nodes 12--16 with a time-out value of 300 seconds for the purpose of starting a leading node, enter: cshutdown -rN -C'-W 300' 12-16 10. To reboot all the nodes in the partition node group sleepy_nodes, enter: cshutdown -rg sleepy_nodes ############# # shutdown sp ############# cshutdown (works with /etc/cshutSeq) in /etc/cshutSeq steht die reihenfolge in der die nodes runtergefahren werden Logfiles: /var/adm/SPlogs/cs/cshut. ######################## # shutdown ueber hardmon ######################## #poweroff hmcmds off #poweron hmcmds on # see list of vars for hmmon hmmon -V #powerstatus hmmon -s -Q -v nodePower 1: root@cws [/var/adm/SPlogs/kerberos]#hmmon -s -Q -v nodePower 1:1 1 1 nodePower TRUE 0x984a DC-DC power on #temperatur hmmon -s -Q -v temp 1: root@cws [/var/adm/SPlogs/kerberos]#hmmon -s -Q -v temp 1:1 1 1 temp 24,696 0x9834 temperature #framestatus hmmon -G -Q|more· root@cws [/var/adm/SPlogs/kerberos]#hmmon -G -Q frame 001, slot 00: node 01 I2C not responding FALSE node 02 I2C not responding TRUE node 03 I2C not responding TRUE node 04 I2C not responding TRUE node 05 I2C not responding FALSE node 06 I2C not responding TRUE node 07 I2C not responding TRUE node 08 I2C not responding TRUE node 09 I2C not responding TRUE node 10 I2C not responding TRUE node 11 I2C not responding TRUE node 12 I2C not responding TRUE node 13 I2C not responding TRUE node 14 I2C not responding TRUE node 15 I2C not responding TRUE node 16 I2C not responding TRUE switch I2C not responding FALSE controller tail is active TRUE node 01 serial link open FALSE node 02 serial link open FALSE node 03 serial link open FALSE node 04 serial link open FALSE node 05 serial link open FALSE node 06 serial link open FALSE node 07 serial link open FALSE node 08 serial link open FALSE node 09 serial link open FALSE node 10 serial link open FALSE node 11 serial link open FALSE node 12 serial link open FALSE node 13 serial link open FALSE node 14 serial link open FALSE node 15 serial link open FALSE node 16 serial link open FALSE SEPBU frame LED 1 (green) 0x0001 SEPBU frame LED 2 (green) 0x0002 frame LED 3 (green) 0x0000 frame LED 4 (green) 0x0001 frame LED 6 (yellow) 0x0000 frame LED 7 (yellow) 0x0000 frame LED 8 (yellow) 0x0000 module A power not ok FALSE module B power not ok FALSE module C power not ok TRUE module D power not ok TRUE module A not present FALSE module B not present FALSE module C not present FALSE module D not present TRUE SEPBU frame power off FALSE mod A KW 0=3.5 1=5 3=n/a 0x0000 mod B KW 0=3.5 1=5 3=n/a 0x0000 mod C KW 0=3.5 1=5 3=n/a 0x0000 mod D KW 0=3.5 1=5 3=n/a 0x0003 supervisor timer ticks 0x9b54 diagnosis return code 0x0000 +48 voltage 0x0077 temperature 0x004e section A current 0x0000 section B current 0x0023 section C current 0x0000 section D current 0x0001 +48 voltage out of range FALSE temperature out of range FALSE A current out of range FALSE B current out of range FALSE C current out of range FALSE D current out of range FALSE frame ID mismatch FALSE supervisor serial number 0x1998 supervisor type 0x0016 supervisor code version 0x0723 hardware monitor poll rate 0x0005 active controller tail 0x0001 frame 001, slot 00: frame responding to polls TRUE RS232 link DCD is active TRUE RS232 link CTS is active TRUE frame 001, slot 01: SMP LED 1 off (green) FALSE SMP LED 2 off (yellow) FALSE power switch status TRUE temperature warning FALSE key: 0=norm 1=sec 2=serv 0x0000 serial link is open FALSE hardware status byte 0x0000 LCD line 1 is flashing FALSE LCD line 2 is flashing FALSE node/switch LED 1 (green) 0x0001 node/switch LED 2 (yellow) 0x0000 DC-DC power on TRUE +5 DC-DC output good TRUE +48 volt power on TRUE hardware key id 0x003a board level 0x001a supervisor level 0x0001 LCD line 1 BLANK supervisor timer ticks 0xa42a supervisor type 0x00a1 supervisor code version 0x0615 7 segment LED A 0x00ff 7 segment LED B 0x00ff 7 segment LED C 0x00ff LED/LCD contains a message FALSE 7 segment display flashing FALSE LCD line 2 BLANK temperature 0x003e temperature out of range FALSE frame 001, slot 05: serial 1 DTR asserted TRUE -12 volt low warning FALSE -12 volt low shutdown FALSE -12 volt high warning FALSE -12 volt high shutdown FALSE +12 volt low warning FALSE +12 volt low shutdown FALSE +12 volt high warning FALSE +12 volt high shutdown FALSE +5m volt low warning FALSE +5m volt low shutdown FALSE +5m volt high warning FALSE +5m volt high shutdown FALSE +5i volt low warning FALSE +5i volt low shutdown FALSE +5i volt high warning FALSE +5i volt high shutdown FALSE fan 5 warning FALSE fan 5 delayed shutdown FALSE temperature warning FALSE temperature shutdown FALSE +4 volt low warning FALSE +4 volt low shutdown FALSE +4 volt high warning FALSE +4 volt high shutdown FALSE fan 1 warning FALSE fan 1 delayed shutdown FALSE fan 2 warning FALSE fan 2 delayed shutdown FALSE fan 3 warning FALSE fan 3 delayed shutdown FALSE fan 4 warning FALSE fan 4 delayed shutdown FALSE +48 volt power on TRUE power off > 10 secs FALSE DC-DC power on TRUE DC-DC power on > 10 secs TRUE +5 DC-DC output good TRUE 7 segment display flashing FALSE node/switch LED 1 (green) 0x0001 node/switch LED 2 (yellow) 0x0000 key: 0=norm 1=sec 2=serv 0x0000 reset button pressed FALSE serial link is open FALSE diagnosis return code 0x0000 7 segment LED A 0x00ff 7 segment LED B 0x00ff 7 segment LED C 0x00ff LED/LCD contains a message FALSE +5 memory voltage 0x0081 +12 voltage 0x0097 -12 voltage 0x0098 +5 I/O voltage 0x007f temperature 0x004e +4 voltage 0x0067 +5 mem volts out of range FALSE +12 voltage out of range FALSE -12 voltage out of range FALSE +5 I/O volts out of range FALSE temperature out of range FALSE +4 voltage out of range FALSE supervisor timer ticks 0x166f supervisor serial number 0x1994 supervisor type 0x0051 supervisor code version 0x0508 frame 001, slot 17: chip selftest active FALSE waiting for init FALSE chip clock missing FALSE port clock missing FALSE send port not tuned TRUE receive port not tuned TRUE synchronous reset active FALSE power on reset active FALSE power supply #1 problem FALSE power supply #2 problem FALSE overcurrent warning FALSE overcurrent shutdown FALSE parallel power problem FALSE program eprom complete FALSE erase eprom complete FALSE active clock source 0x0000 active oscillator 0x0002 active phase lock loop 0x0004 active chip 0x0000 active port 0x0000 switch MUX setting 0x0000 node/switch LED 1 (green) 0x0001 node/switch LED 2 (yellow) 0x0000 +48 volt power on TRUE DC-DC power on TRUE DC-DC power on > 10 secs TRUE power off > 10 secs FALSE fan 1 warning FALSE fan 2 warning FALSE fan 3 warning FALSE fan 4 warning FALSE fan 5 warning FALSE +3.3 volt high warning FALSE +3.3 volt high shutdown FALSE +3.3 volt low warning FALSE +3.3 volt low shutdown FALSE temperature warning FALSE temperature shutdown FALSE hardware key id 0x0019 board level 0x0001 supervisor subtype TRUE supervisor level 0x0001 power supply #1 0x0000 power supply #2 0x0000 diagnosis return code 0x0000 parallel voltage 0x002a ps1 power 0x0028 ps2 power 0x0026 ps1 fuse 0x0075 ps2 fuse 0x0076 temperature 0x003e +3.3 voltage 0x00a7 parallel out of range FALSE ps1 power out of range FALSE ps2 power out of range FALSE ps1 fuse out of range FALSE ps2 fuse out of range FALSE temperature out of range FALSE +3.3 voltage out of range FALSE supervisor timer ticks 0x190d supervisor code version 0x060b supervisor type 0x0081 supervisor serial number 0x1996 ############ # startup sp ############ cstartup /etc/cstartSeq wobei in /etc/cstartSeq die reihenfolge angegeben ist in der die nodes starten Example startup: DNSserver: node1 #all nodes depend on dns-server DBserver: node1 #all nodes depend on db-server NFSGroupA: node3, node4 NFSGroupB: node5 # NFSClient: node3 OtherNodes: node17, node19 DNSserver > DBserver > OtherNodes >NFSGroupA >NFSGroupB >NFSClient Logfiles: /var/adm/SPlogs/cs/cstart. ################################# # find dependencies between nodes ################################# root@cws [/var/ha/log]#seqfile -b # Below are /usr server dependencies from the SDR # Below are boot server dependencies from the SDR ########### # splstdata ########### colonia:/#splstdata -- splstdata: 0022-003 You have specified an invalid flag. Usage: splstdata { -A | -a | -b | -d | -h | -i | -n | -s | -t | -u | -v | -x } [ -G ] [ { start_frame start_slot { node_count | rest } | -N node_group | -l } ] OR splstdata { -e | -f | -p | -X } ################### # network data ################### zu aendern ueber smitty add_adapt_dialog colonia:/spdata/sys1/install/AIX432_02 !# splstdata -a List LAN Database Information node# adapt netaddr netmask hostname type rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 css0 switch01.sp.medi NA NA 5 css0 switch05.sp.medi NA NA 7 css0 switch07.sp.medi NA NA 9 css0 switch09.sp.medi NA NA 11 css0 switch11.sp.medi NA NA 17 css0 switch17.sp.medi NA NA 19 css0 switch19.sp.medi NA NA 1 en0 bnc NA 5 en0 bnc NA 7 en0 bnc NA 9 en0 bnc NA 11 en0 bnc NA 17 en0 bnc NA 19 en0 bnc NA ############ # frame data ############ zu aendern ueber smitty sp_frame_dialog colonia:/spdata/sys1/install/AIX432_02 !# splstdata -f List Frame Database Information frame# tty frame_type ---------------------------------------- 1 /dev/tty0 switch 2 /dev/tty1 noswitch ################### # node data ################### zu aendern ueber smitty sp_eth_dialog colonia:/spdata/sys1/install/AIX432_02 !# splstdata -n List Node Configuration Information node# frame# slot# slots initial_hostname reliable_hostname default_route processor_type processors_installed description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1 1 4 colon01 MP 8 112_MHz_SMP_High· 5 1 5 1 colon05 UP 1 66_MHz_PWR2_Thin-2· 7 1 7 1 colon07 UP 1 160_MHz_P2SC_Thin· 9 1 9 1 colon09 UP 1 66_MHz_PWR2_Thin-2· 11 1 11 1 colon11 UP 1 160_MHz_P2SC_Thin· 17 2 1 2 colon17 MP 4 332_MHz_SMP_Wide· 19 2 3 2 colon19 MP 2 332_MHz_SMP_Wide· ########################################### # defaultroute fuer einzelnen node anpassen ########################################### Achtung: Dieses Command setzt den initial_hostname auf den reliable_hostname zurueck! /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spethernt -l '' `host |cut -f3 -d" is "` /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spethernt -l '5' Um den Initial-Hostname auf einen anderen Wert zu setzen: SDRChangeAttrValues Node node_number==3 initial_hostname=xyz ########## # cws data ########## zu aendern ueber smitty site_env_dialog colonia:/spdata/sys1/install/AIX432_02 !# splstdata -e List Site Environment Database Information attribute value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- control_workstation colonia··········································· cw_ipaddrs··································· install_image bos.obj.ssp.432··································· remove_image false············································· primary_node 1················································· ntp_config consensus········································· ntp_server ""················································ ntp_version 3················································· amd_config false············································· print_config false············································· print_id ""················································ usermgmt_config false············································· passwd_file /etc/passwd······································· passwd_file_loc colonia··········································· homedir_server colonia··········································· homedir_path /home/colonia····································· filecoll_config true·············································· supman_uid 102··············································· supfilesrv_port 8431·············································· spacct_enable false············································· spacct_actnode_thresh 80················································ spacct_excluse_enable false············································· acct_master 0················································· cw_has_usr_clients false············································· code_version PSSP-2.4·········································· layout_dir ""················································ authent_server ssp··············································· backup_cw ""················································ ipaddrs_bucw ""················································ active_cw ""················································ cw_lppsource_name AIX-432··········································· ################### # install/boot data ################### zu aendern ueber smitty server_dialog colonia:/spdata/sys1/install/AIX432_02 !# splstdata -b List Node Boot/Install Information node# hostname hdw_enet_addr srvr response install_disk last_install_image last_install_time next_install_image lppsource_name pssp_ver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 colon01 02608CE8F91F 0 disk hdisk0 bos.obj.ssp.432 Wed_May__5_16:56:45 bos.obj.ssp.432 AIX-432 PSSP-2.4 5 colon05 08005A92345C 0 disk hdisk0 bos.obj.ssp.432 Wed_May__5_17:02:18 bos.obj.ssp.432 AIX-432 PSSP-2.4 7 colon07 0006292E4DFC 0 disk hdisk0 bos.obj.ssp.432 Wed_May__5_16:58:05 bos.obj.ssp.432 AIX-432 PSSP-2.4 9 colon09 08005A923076 0 disk hdisk0 bos.obj.ssp.432 Fri_Jul__2_11:49:16 bos.obj.ssp.432 AIX-432 PSSP-2.4 11 colon11 0006292E4D7B 0 disk hdisk0 bos.obj.ssp.432 Tue_Jun__8_07:22:41 bos.obj.ssp.432 AIX-432 PSSP-2.4 17 colon17 0004AC7125B5 0 disk hdisk0 bos.obj.ssp.432 Tue_Jun__8_07:37:14 bos.obj.ssp.432 AIX-432 PSSP-2.4 19 colon19 0004AC7127EA 0 disk hdisk0 bos.obj.ssp.432 Thu_Jul__1_15:44:23 bos.obj.ssp.432 AIX-432 PSSP-2.4 z.B.: aendere bootins daten fuer node 5 mit hdisk0-3, 2 lvcopys, kein quorum, von setup_server 0, installimage xnwp02, lpp-version aix433 und pssp-version 3.4 Image liegt unter /spdata/sys1/install/images /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spchvgobj -l '5' -r 'rootvg' -h 'hdisk0,hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3' -c '2' -q 'false' -n '0' -i 'xnwp03/backup/mksysb_xnwp02.obj' -v 'aix433' -p 'PSSP-3.4' ################ # partition data ################ splstdata -p root@cws [~]#splstdata -p List System Partition Information System Partitions: ------------------ cws Syspar: cws ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- syspar_name cws ip_address install_image default syspar_dir "" code_version PSSP-3.2 haem_cdb_version 1030010704,843132229,0 auth_install k4 auth_root_rcmd k4:std ts_auth_methods compat auth_methods k4:std ############################# # expansion frame information ############################# root@cws [~]#splstdata -x List Node Expansion Information expansion# frame# slot# slots associated_node node_port node_cables expansion_interconnect ---------- ------ ----- ----- --------------- --------- ----------- ---------------------- node# expansion_list ----- -------------- ############# # switch data ############# splstdata -s root@cws [~]#splstdata -s List Node Switch Information node# initial_hostname switch_node# switch_protocol switch# switch_chip switch_chip_port ----- ----------------- ------------ --------------- ------- ----------- ---------------- 1 node1_i 0 IP 1 5 3 5 node5_i 4 IP 1 5 1 switch# frame# slot# switch_partition# switch_type clock_input switch_name switch_plane# ------- ------ ----- ----------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------- 1 1 17 1 129 0 SP_Switch 0 switch_partition# topology_filename primary_name arp_enabled switch_node_nos._used ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------- --------------------- 1 node5_i yes yes ################## # volumegroup data ################## splstdata -v xcws01#splstdata -v List Volume Group Information node# name boot_server quorum copies code_version lppsource_name last_install_image last_install_time last_bootdisk pv_list ----- ---------------- ----------- ------ ------ ---------------- ----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- g 0 false 2 PSSP-3.2 aix433 bos.obj.ssp.433 Tue_Sep_10_20:43:22 hdisk1 hdisk0,hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3 3 rootvg 0 false 2 PSSP-3.4 aix433 bos.obj.ssp.433 Thu_Sep_26_07:09:34 hdisk0 hdisk0,hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3 7 rootvg 0 false 2 PSSP-3.2 aix433 bos.obj.ssp.433 Tue_Sep_10_23:52:59 hdisk1 hdisk0,hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3 9 rootvg 0 false 2 PSSP-3.2 aix433 bos.obj.ssp.433 Tue_Sep_10_20:55:48 hdisk0 hdisk0,hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3 11 rootvg 0 false 2 PSSP-3.4 a aix433 bos.obj.ssp.433 Thu_Sep_26_07:58:40 hdisk0 hdisk0,hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3 13 rootvg 0 false 2 PSSP-3.4 aix433 bos.obj.ssp.433 Wed_Sep_25_13:44:41 hdisk0 hdisk0,hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3 15 rootvg 0 false 2 PSSP-3.4 aix433 bos.obj.ssp.433 Thu_Sep_19_14:38:15 hdisk0 hdisk0,hdisk1 5 rootvg 0 false 2 PSSP-3.4 aix433 bos.obj.ssp.433 Wed_Sep_25_10:35:33 hdisk0 hdisk0,hdisk1,hdisk2,hdisk3 ############### # SDRGetObjects ############### colonia:/var/adm/SPlogs/spmon#SDRGetObjects SP control_workstation cw_ipaddrs install_image remove_image primary_node ntp_config ntp_server ntp_version amd_config print_config print_id usermgmt_config passwd_file passwd_file_loc homedir_server homedir_path filecoll_config supman_uid supfilesrv_port spacct_enable spacct_actnode_thresh spacct_excluse_enable acct_master cw_has_usr_clients code_version layout_dir authent_server backup_cw ipaddrs_bucw active_cw sec_master cds_server cell_name cw_lppsource_name cw_dcehostname master_switch_seq number_switch_planes admin_locale SDR_ASCII_only switch_clock_alt_num IsPartitionable kfserver_timeout colonia bos.obj.ssp.433 false 1 consensus "" 3 false false "" false /etc/passwd colonia colonia /home/colonia false 102 "" false 80 false 0 false PSSP-3.2 "" ssp "" "" "" "" "" "" default "" -1 1 en_US true 0 true 150 ############################ # list change sdr attributes ############################ #/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRListClasses root@xcws02 /home/root> SDRListClasses Adapter Aggregate_IP CSS_Adapter_Info CSS_Type DependentAdapter DependentNode Dont_care_pool_list EM_Condition EM_Instance_Vector EM_Resource_Class EM_Resource_ID EM_Resource_Monitor EM_Resource_Variable EM_Structured_Byte_String Frame GMT_Global_smt_nds GS_Config HSD_Minor_Number HSD_Table JM_domain_info JM_job_info JM_node_usage JM_server_nodes Network Node NodeControl NodeExpansion NodeGroup Node_VPD PMAN_Subscription Pool ProcessorExtensionNode RVSD_Restrict_Level SP SPDM SPDM_NODES SP_Restricted SP_ports Subnet Switch Switch_adapter_port Switch_partition Switch_plane SysNodeGroup Syspar Syspar_map Syspar_ports TS_Config TS_Tunable TaskGuide VSD_Cluster_Info VSD_Fence VSD_Global_Volume_Group VSD_Minor_Number VSD_Table Volume_Group host_responds pmandConfig pmanrmdConfig switch_responds #/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRGetObjects root@xcws02 /home/root> SDRGetObjects Node node_number==9 node_number hdw_enet_addr frame_number slot_number slots_used switch_node_number switch_chip_port switch_chip switch_number initial_hostname reliable_hostname default_route boot_server bootdisk install_image install_disk last_install_time last_install_image switch_protocol switch_partition_number bootp_response boot_device usr_maint JM_domain_id VSD_adapter VSD_max_buffer_count VSD_request_blocks VSD_pbufs VSD_init_buffer_count VSD_min_buddy_buffer_size VSD_max_buddy_buffer_size VSD_max_buddy_buffers VSD_do_ip_checksum cfs_adapter acct_class_id acct_enable acct_job_charge acct_excluse_enable usr_server_ip usr_client_adapter has_usr_clients code_version usr_gateway_ip VSD_maxIPmsgsz lppsource_name processors_installed processor_type description platform hardware_control_type RVSD_version selected_vg dcehostname expansion_list on_switch LPAR_name 9 0004AC314841 1 9 2 8 -1 -1 -1 xsape02 xsape02i 0 hdisk0 bos.obj.ssp.433 hdisk0,hdisk1 Thu_Sep_19_13:17:33_MSZ_2002 bos.obj.ssp.433 IP 1 disk "" false "" "" "" "" "" "" 4096 65536 4 false "" default default 1.0 false local "" false PSSP-3.4 0 24576 aix433 4 MP 375/450_MHz_POWER3_SMP_Wide chrp 178 "" rootvg "" "" 0 "" root@xcws02 /home/root> SDRGetObjects Node node_number==9 initial_hostname hdw_enet_addr initial_hostname hdw_enet_addr xsape02 0004AC314841 ################# # switch commands ################# auf cws topology ist in /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/topologies Symbolic link to /etc/SP root@cws [/etc]#ls -l SP total 288 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 761 07 Sep 2001 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 4888 13 Jun 2000 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 4934 13 Jun 2000 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 5544 13 Jun 2000 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 6218 13 Jun 2000 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 5184 13 Jun 2000 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 5144 13 Jun 2000 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 5420 13 Jun 2000 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 5407 13 Jun 2000 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 5470 13 Jun 2000 -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 5529 13 Jun 2000 -rwxr-xr-- 1 bin bin 3133 06 Sep 2001 Emonitor.cfg lrwxrwxrwx 1 root sys 63 02 Jan 2002 -> /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/topologies/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root sys 63 02 Jan 2002 -> /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/topologies/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root sys 65 02 Jan 2002 -> /spdata/sys1/syspar_configs/topologies/ Estart # startet den switch Eprimary 1 -backup 19 # setzt den primary auf 1 und den backup auf 19 Efence colon11 # fenced colon11 (entfernt ihn aus der switch-config) Eunfence colon11 # unfenced colon11 (nimmt ihn in die switch-config) SDRGetObjects switch_responds # status switch_responds der knoten # sdr-befehle um switch-config anzupassen SDRListClasses switch_responds SDRListClasses |more man SDRCreateObjects SDRCreateObjects switch_responds node_number=1· SDRGetObjects switch_responds SDRChangeAttrValues switch_responds node_number=1 switch_responds=0 SDRGetObjects switch_responds SDRChangeAttrValues switch_responds node_number==1 switch_responds=0 SDRGetObjects switch_responds SDRChangeAttrValues switch_responds node_number==1 switch_responds=0 autojoin=0 isolated=0· adapter_config_status=css_ready SDRChangeAttrValues switch_responds node_number==5 switch_responds=0 autojoin=0 isolated=0· adapter_config_status=css_ready SDRChangeAttrValues switch_responds node_number==7 switch_responds=0 autojoin=0 isolated=0· adapter_config_status=css_ready SDRChangeAttrValues switch_responds node_number==9 switch_responds=0 autojoin=0 isolated=0· adapter_config_status=css_ready SDRChangeAttrValues switch_responds node_number==11 switch_responds=0 autojoin=0 isolated=0 adapter_config_status=css_ready SDRChangeAttrValues switch_responds node_number==17 switch_responds=0 autojoin=0 isolated=0 adapter_config_status=css_ready smitty enter_data man spsitenv - pruefen ob Worm auf den nodes laeuft root@cws [~]#dsh ps -ef|grep orm node1_i: root 9416 1 0 31 Jul - 0:28 /usr/lpp/ssp/css/fault_service_Worm_RTG_SP -r 0 -b 1 -s 5 -p 3 -a TB3 -t 28 node5_i: root 11398 1 0 31 Jul - 7:03 /usr/lpp/ssp/css/fault_service_Worm_RTG_SP -r 4 -b 1 -s 5 -p 1 -a TB3 -t 28 falls nicht, ueber: dsh -w Primarynode /usr/lpp/ssp/css/Estart_sw starten Logfiles: /var/adm/SPlogs/css auf cws: Eclock.log (aenderung der clock) Ecommands.log (ausfuehren von Ecommands wie Estart, etc.) summlog (alle fehler werden hier geloggt) auf nodes: router.log (wird generiert nach switch initialisierung) auf allen: rc.switch.log (ausfuehren von rc.switch wird hier geloggt) (reflektiert die aktuelle topology) dtbx.trace (switch diagnostics) flt (protokoliert alle faults) fs_daemon_print.file (Worm Process life and times) daemon.stderr (general error messages) daemon.stdout (switch initialisierung wird hier geloggt) worm.trace ########## # topology ########## /var/adm/SPlogs/css/ checken ob mit Realitaet uebereinstimmt ################# # Switch-Probleme ################# Did you run Eannotator? smitty annotator Check Kerberos. is dsh working OK? Check the clocks. Check netstat -i and/or ifconfig -a. How does css0 look? Is the Worm running on node 19? Restart with /usr/lpp/ssp/css/rc.switch, then try to unfence it again. Assuming css0 looks OK, force the SDR to show the node as not isolated, then do an Estart. SDRChangeAttrValues switch_responds node_number==19 isolated=0 Problemdetermination fuer switch: root@node5 [/var/adm/SPlogs/css]#odmget -q attribute=adapter_status CuAt CuAt: name = "css0" attribute = "adapter_status" value = "diag_fail" type = "R" generic = "D" rep = "s" nls_index = 10 Eclock -d Detects the switch configuration, automatically selects the clock topology file, and initializes the switch clock inputs for all switches in the system. Eclock -r Extracts the clock topology file information from the System Data Repository (SDR) and initializes the switch clock inputs for all switches in the system. smitty clock_src ########## # pcp-copy ########## # datei auf alle hosts kopieren hostlist|pcp -w - -r /tmp/ /tmp/ oder echo $WCOLL|pcp - /etc/.alias /etc/.alias wobei WCOLL entsprechend gefuellt ############################### # smitty supervisor-card config ############################### smitty supervisor ################# # spsvrmg command ################# spsvrmgr - SP Supervisor Manager. colonia:/ !# spsvrmgr -G -r status all spsvrmgr: Frame Slot Supervisor Media Installed Required State Versions Version Action _____ ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 1 0 Active u_10.3c.0709 u_10.3c.070c None········ u_10.3c.070c ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 1 Active u_10.3a.0612 u_10.3a.0615 None········ u_10.3a.0614 u_10.3a.0615 ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 17 Active u_80.19.060b u_80.19.060b None········ _____ ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 2 0 Active u_10.3c.0709 u_10.3c.070c None········ u_10.3c.070c ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 1 Active u_10.36.0703 u_10.36.0704 None········ u_10.36.0704 ____ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 3 Active u_10.36.0703 u_10.36.0704 None········ u_10.36.0704 ########################################## # dump eines nodes erzwingen unter PSSP2.4 ########################################## Nur fuer Silver Wide Nodes: /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spmon -G -reset frame2/node1 fuer node1 im frame2 Commandline: colonia:/ !# spmon -reset node17 Nur fuer Microchannel Nodes: colonia:/ !# spmon -k service node5 colonia:/ !# spmon -reset node5 ############## # spot updaten ############## smitty nim_task_inst ####################### # statistik fuer switch ####################### auf dem node auszufuehren /usr/lpp/ssp/css/estat ####################### # adapter konfigurieren ####################### /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spadaptrs -l '17' -t 'NA' -d 'auto' -f 'auto' en1 1. If you specify the -s flag to skip IP addresses when setting the css0 switch addresses, you must also specify -n no to not use switch numbers for an IP address assignment. You must specify -a yes to use ARP. spadaptrs -s yes -n no -a yes 1 1 2 css0 ########################## # removing a node from cws ########################## Archive the SDR - SDRArchive Power down node - spmon -p off frame1/node3 Remove the node from the SDR - spdelnode 1 3 1 Refresh the SP partitions - syspar_ctrl -r -G Remove node entries from '/etc/hosts' Use kdestroy and kinit to tidy up kerberos Remove node from '/etc/wcoll' You might want to stop and re-start hardmon. ########################## # sp problem determination ########################## /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/CSS_test root@cws [~]#CSS_test CSS_test: CSS Installation Verification Test started on Fr 26 Jul 16:27:07 2002. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: Beginning Ethernet IP test of the nodes in partition cws. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: Show LPP ssp.basic installation levels: (lslpp -Lq ssp.basic) -Node- -LPP Name- -Installation Level- node1_i: ssp.basic cws: rshd: 0826-813 Permission is denied. node5_i: ssp.basic CSS_test: Show LPP ssp.css installation levels: (lslpp -Lq ssp.css) -Node- -LPP Name- -Installation Level- node1_i: ssp.css node5_i: ssp.css cws: rshd: 0826-813 Permission is denied. CSS_test: Show inconsistent ssp.css files for relevant nodes: (lppchk) -Node- -File Name- -Actual Size- -Expected Size- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDRGetObjects: 0025-004 Item specified for query, insertion or deletion was not found. SDRGetObjects: 0025-505 Usage: SDRGetObjects [-q] [-G] [-x] [-d delimiter] class_name [attr==value...] [attr...] CSS_test: Beginning Switch IP test of the nodes in partition cws. host: name none NOT FOUND none: host: name none NOT FOUND none: host: name none NOT FOUND CSS_test: Following nodes failed Switch IP test: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: CSS Installation Verification Test completed on Fr 26 Jul 16:27:17 2002. Another Example: ################ root@cws [~]#CSS_test CSS_test: CSS Installation Verification Test started on Mo 12 Aug 11:02:42 2002. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: Beginning Ethernet IP test of the nodes in partition cws. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: Show LPP ssp.basic installation levels: (lslpp -Lq ssp.basic) -Node- -LPP Name- -Installation Level- node1_i: ssp.basic node5_i: ssp.basic cws: ssp.basic CSS_test: Show LPP ssp.css installation levels: (lslpp -Lq ssp.css) -Node- -LPP Name- -Installation Level- node1_i: ssp.css node5_i: ssp.css cws: ssp.css CSS_test: Show inconsistent ssp.css files for relevant nodes: (lppchk) -Node- -File Name- -Actual Size- -Expected Size- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: Beginning Switch IP test of the nodes in partition cws. CSS_test: Following nodes failed Switch IP test: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: CSS Installation Verification Test completed on Mo 12 Aug 11:02:55 2002. root@cws [/var/adm/SPlogs/kerberos]#CSS_test CSS_test: CSS Installation Verification Test started on Mo 29 Jul 15:14:03 2002. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: Beginning Ethernet IP test of the nodes in partition cws. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: Show LPP ssp.basic installation levels: (lslpp -Lq ssp.basic) -Node- -LPP Name- -Installation Level- cws: rshd: 0826-813 Permission is denied. node1_i: ssp.basic node5_i: ssp.basic CSS_test: Show LPP ssp.css installation levels: (lslpp -Lq ssp.css) -Node- -LPP Name- -Installation Level- node1_i: ssp.css cws: rshd: 0826-813 Permission is denied. node5_i: ssp.css CSS_test: Show inconsistent ssp.css files for relevant nodes: (lppchk) -Node- -File Name- -Actual Size- -Expected Size- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDRGetObjects: 0025-004 Item specified for query, insertion or deletion was not found. SDRGetObjects: 0025-505 Usage: SDRGetObjects [-q] [-G] [-x] [-d delimiter] class_name [attr==value...] [attr...] CSS_test: Beginning Switch IP test of the nodes in partition cws. host: name none NOT FOUND none: host: name none NOT FOUND none: host: name none NOT FOUND CSS_test: Following nodes failed Switch IP test: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS_test: CSS Installation Verification Test completed on Mo 29 Jul 15:14:14 2002. ############################## # stoppen cws-dienste services ############################## /bin/stopsrc -g sdr /bin/stopsrc -g hb /bin/stopsrc -g hr /bin/stopsrc -s hardmon root@cws [~]#/bin/stopsrc -g sdr 0513-044 The sdr.cws Subsystem was requested to stop. root@cws [~]#/bin/stopsrc -g hb 0513-086 The hb Group is not on file. root@cws [~]#/bin/stopsrc -g hr 0513-044 The hr.cws Subsystem was requested to stop. root@cws [~]#/bin/stopsrc -s hardmon 0513-044 The hardmon Subsystem was requested to stop. ############################## # starten cws-dienste services ############################## /bin/startsrc -s hardmon /bin/startsrc -g hr /bin/startsrc -g hb /bin/startsrc -g sdr root@cws [~]#/bin/startsrc -s hardmon 0513-059 The hardmon Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 18142. root@cws [~]#/bin/startsrc -g hr 0513-059 The hr.cws Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 28898. root@cws [~]#/bin/startsrc -g hb 0513-086 The hb Group is not on file. root@cws [~]#/bin/startsrc -g sdr 0513-059 The sdr.cws Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 36898. ######################### # welche syspar ist aktiv ######################### root@cws [~]#spget_syspar root@cws [~]#spget_syspar -n cws default-partition root@cws [~]#spget_syspar -d ############################## # stoppen sp-dienste auf nodes ############################## syspar_ctrl -D ############################## # starten sp-dienste auf nodes ############################## syspar_ctrl -A ############### # monitoring SP ############### hardmon up? ps -ef|grep hardmon splogd up? ps -ef|grep splogd access ok? root@cws [/var/adm/SPlogs/kerberos]#cat /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls cws root.admin a 1 root.admin vsm 1 root.SPbgAdm vsm 1 hardmon.cws vsm cws root.SPbgAdm a perspectives spmon -d -G hmmon ############################ # probleme system monitoring ############################ root@cws [/var/adm]#/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spmon_itest spmon_itest: Start spmon installation verification test spmon_itest: Verification Succeeded ######################## # verify sp installation ######################## root@cws [/var/adm]#/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SYSMAN_test HOST: cws --------- ######################### # verify rs232 connection ######################### /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spmon_ctest root@cws [/var/adm]#/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spmon_ctest spmon_ctest: Start spmon configuration verification test spmon_ctest: 0037-247 Check hardware, frame 1 controllerResponds=0 spmon_ctest: 0037-245 Check hardware, frame 1 DCD=0 spmon_ctest: 0037-246 Check hardware, frame 1 CTS=0 spmon_ctest: 0037-249 Verification failed with 3 errors. See /var/adm/SPlogs/spmon/spmon_ctest.log ############### # tty anschauen ############### lsdev -Cc tty root@cws [/var/adm]#lsdev -Cc tty tty0 Available 00-00-S1-00 Asynchronous Terminal tty1 Available 00-00-S2-00 Asynchronous Terminal ############## # user anlegen ############## smitty spmkuser ####################### # restrict login to cws ####################### /usr/lpp/ssp/config/admin/cw_allowed /usr/lpp/ssp/config/admin/cw_restrict_login (nur pw-aenderung moeglich) fuer CDE ln -s /usr/lpp/ssp/config/admin/cw_restrict_login /etc/dt/config/Xsession.d/cde_restrict_login ############### # remove spuser ############### smitty sprmuser ################## # block_usr_sample ################## /usr/lpp/ssp/samples/block_usr_sample to block a user to a node, login in to node and exec: spacs_cntrl -v -l block xyz to restrict a group of users do spacs_cntrl -v -l -f file block (file contains users) ##### # nim ##### smitty nim definieren einer resource - hier lppsource nim -o define -t lpp_source -a server=master -a location=/spdata/sys1/install/patch/ML10 aix433_ML10 nim -o define -t lpp_source -a server=master -a location=/spdata/sys1/install/patch/pssp_3.2.0.20 pssp_latest_july_2002 ######## # bashrc ######## Environment auf SP root@cws [~]#echo $PATH /usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin::/usr/lpp/ssp/bin:/usr/lpp/ssp/kerberos/bin:/home/ograss:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lpp/ssp/kerberos/etc PS1='\u@\h [\w]#' MANPATH=/usr/share/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/lpp/ssp/man PATH=$PATH:/usr/lpp/ssp/kerberos/etc:/var/sysman WCOLL=/wcoll export WCOLL MANPATH PATH if [ -f /etc/.alias ] then . /etc/.alias fi root@cws [~]#cat /wcoll node1_i node5_i ######## # supper ######## supper installiert und konfiguriert? smitty enter_data oder /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spsitenv filecoll_config='true' supfilesrv_port='8431' supper status root@cws [/usr/lpp/ssp/samples]#supper status Collection Resident Access Point Filesystem Size =============================================================================== node.root - / - - power_system - /share/power/system - - sup.admin - /var/sysman - - user.admin Yes / - - =============================================================================== supper offline root@cws [/usr/lpp/ssp/samples]#supper offline root@cws [/usr/lpp/ssp/samples]#supper status Collection Resident Access Point Filesystem Size =============================================================================== node.root - / - - power_system - /share/power/system - - sup.admin - /var/sysman - - user.admin Yes/Off / - - =============================================================================== supper online root@cws [/usr/lpp/ssp/samples]#supper online root@cws [/usr/lpp/ssp/samples]#supper status Collection Resident Access Point Filesystem Size =============================================================================== node.root - / - - power_system - /share/power/system - - sup.admin - /var/sysman - - user.admin Yes / - - =============================================================================== #################### # sp-dienste auf cws #################### refresh syspar_ctrl -r stoppen syspar_ctrl -k ############# # automounter ############# /etc/auto.master (dirs controlled by autofs) /etc/auto/startauto (start daemons and initialize kernel extensions) /etc/auto/maps/auto.u (map client dir to server dir) setup: smitty site_env_dialog on nodes do: /etc/rc.sp (customize) Services will be configured Inhalt /etc/auto.master: /u /etc/auto/maps/auto.u /apps /etc/auto/maps/auto.apps Inhalt /etc/auto/maps/auto.u user1 cws:/home/cws/:& oder user1 cws:/home/cws/:user1 Inhalt /etc/auto/maps/auto.apps games cws:/usr:& start automount /etc/auto/startauto oder /usr/sbin/automount -f /etc/auto.master -m -D HOST=cws oder startsrc -s autod Logfiles: /var/adm/SPlogs/auto/auto.log Timeout automounter: In /etc/auto/startauto $automount = "/usr/sbin/automount -f $auto_master -m -D HOST=$host"; zu $automount = "/usr/sbin/automount -f $auto_master -m -tl 60 -D HOST=$host"; aendern ######### # sdr SDR ######### root@cws [~]#lssrc -g sdr Subsystem Group PID Status sdr.cws sdr 7886 active root@cws [~]#ps -ef|grep sdr root 7886 6970 0 30 Jul - 23:38 /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/sdrd root 27110 18308 1 10:53:44 pts/12 0:00 grep sdr root@cws [~]#cat /etc/SDR_dest_info default: primary: nameofdefault:cws nameofprimary:cws ############### # sicherung SDR ############### /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRArchive archive schreibt nach /spdata/sys1/sdr/archives root@cws [~]#/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/SDRArchive archive 0025-322 SDRArchive: SDR archive file name is /spdata/sys1/sdr/archives/backup.02224.1104.archive ############# # restore SDR ############# Sicherung liegt in /spdata/sys1/sdr/archives sprestore_config backup.02224.1104.archive restartet auch die daemons startsrc -g sdr syspar_ctrl -c syspar_ctrl -G -A oder SDRRestore backup.02224.1104.archive holt nur zurueck startsrc -g sdr ##################### # SDRChangeAttrValues ##################### Node node_number==9 bootp_response=install # adapter in SDR aendern SDRChangeAttrValues Adapter node_number==5 adapter_type==en1 netaddr= netmask= ################## # SDRDeleteObjects ################## SDRDeleteObjects Node node_number==9 bootp_response=install Loescht Adapter aus SDR SDRDeleteObjects Adapter adapter_type==en11 node_number==5 oder /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spdeladap -l 5 en11 ########## # SDR_test ########## root@cws [~]#SDR_test SDR_test: Start SDR commandline verification test SDR_test: Verification succeeded ################ # SDRListClasses ################ root@cws [~]#SDRListClasses Adapter DependentAdapter DependentNode Dont_care_pool_list EM_Condition EM_Resource_Class EM_Resource_ID EM_Resource_Monitor EM_Resource_Variable EM_Structured_Byte_String Frame GMT_Global_smt_nds GS_Config host_responds HSD_Minor_Number HSD_Table JM_domain_info JM_job_info JM_node_usage JM_server_nodes Network Node NodeControl NodeExpansion NodeGroup pmanrmdConfig PMAN_Subscription Pool ProcessorExtensionNode RVSD_Restrict_Level SP SP_ports SP_Restricted Subnet Switch Switch_adapter_port Switch_partition Switch_plane switch_responds SysNodeGroup Syspar Syspar_map Syspar_ports TaskGuide TS_Config TS_Tunable Volume_Group VSD_Cluster_Info VSD_Fence VSD_Global_Volume_Group VSD_Minor_Number VSD_Table ############### # SDRWhoHasLock ############### root@cws [~]#SDRWhoHasLock Syspar SDRWhoHasLock: 0025-032 Class is not locked by any process. # Check Locks for i in `SDRListClasses` do SDRWhoHasLock $i done ############## # SDRClearLock ############## SDRClearLock Class ############# # restore cws ############# install mksysb kinit root.admin install_cw ########### # spchvgobj ########### spchvgobj -r volume_group_name [-h pv_list] [-i install_image] [-p code_version] [-v lppsource_name] [-n boot_server] [-c {1 | 2 | 3}] [-q {true | false}] {start_frame start_slot {node_count | rest} | -l node_list} root@cws [/var/ha/log]#spchvgobj -r rootvg -v aix433 -l 5 spchvgobj: Successfully changed the Node and Volume_Group objects for node number 5, volume group rootvg. spchvgobj: The total number of changes successfully completed is 1. spchvgobj: The total number of changes which were not successfully completed is 0. root@cws [/var/ha/log]#splstdata -b List Node Boot/Install Information node# hostname hdw_enet_adr srvr response install_disk last_install_image last_install_time next_install_image lppsource_name pssp_ver selected_vg ----- ----------------- ------------- ---- ------------ ----------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------- ------------------- ------------------- 1 node1 02608CF503B0 0 disk hdisk0 default Wed_Jul_31_10:48:29 default aix433 PSSP-3.2 rootvg 5 node5 02608CE8FB82 0 disk hdisk0 default Wed_Jul_31_10:18:56 default aix433 PSSP-3.2 rootvg ############### # quorum setzen ############### root@cws [/var/ha/log]#spchvgobj -r rootvg -l5 -q false spchvgobj: Successfully changed the Volume_Group object for node number 5, volume group rootvg. spchvgobj: The total number of changes successfully completed is 1. spchvgobj: The total number of changes which were not successfully completed is 0. ############################## # mirror rootvg aufsetzen node ############################## root@cws [/var/ha/log]#spchvgobj -r rootvg -l5 -q false -c2 -h hdisk1 spchvgobj: Successfully changed the Node and Volume_Group objects for node number 5, volume group rootvg. spchvgobj: The total number of changes successfully completed is 1. spchvgobj: The total number of changes which were not successfully completed is 0. root@cws [~]#spmirrorvg -l5 node5_i: spmirror: 0016-677 Volume group rootvg cannot be extended by disk hdisk1; node5_i: hdisk1 belongs to another volume group. Rerun spmirrorvg with the -f flag node5_i: to force the physical volume to become part of the volume group. spmirrorvg: 0016-656 spmirror for node number 5 had a problem with return code 1. Check the log file /var/adm/SPlogs/sysman/mirror.out on that node for more information. spmirrorvg: The total number of volume groups mirrored successfully is 0. spmirrorvg: The total number of volume groups which had a problem mirrorring is 1. spmirrorvg: total number of invalid nodes selected = 0 spmirrorvg: total number of invalid volume groups selected = 0 ################# # setup partition ################# perspectives --> System Partitioning Aid ! smitty enter_syspar (Punkte von oben nach unten abarbeiten) - backup sdr - define ip-alias - run setup_server - list select configs <--|---------------------------| - customize syspars | verify failed? | - apply verify only --| | - Eunpartition | - cshutdown | - apply --> apply failed --> sprestore_config -| - cstartup | - backup sdr cstartup - ip-alias /usr/sbin/ifconfig en0 alias netmask up dann /etc/ alias hinzufuegen oder chdev -l en0 -a alias4=, add ip-adress to /etc/hosts ip-adress ping ok? - setup_server run setup_server - smitty enter_syspar - list syspar information /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spdisplay_config -R -d config.16/layout.1/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.16 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 config.4_12/layout.1/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_12 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 config.4_12/layout.2/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_12 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 8 9 12 13 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 config.4_12/layout.3/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_12 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 config.4_12/layout.4/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_12 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 10 11 14 15 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 config.4_4_4_4/layout.1/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_4_4_4 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 8 9 12 13 Partition 3 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 Partition 4 contains switch port numbers: 10 11 14 15 config.4_4_8/layout.1/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_4_8 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 8 9 12 13 Partition 3 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 10 11 14 15 config.4_4_8/layout.2/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_4_8 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 Partition 3 contains switch port numbers: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 config.4_4_8/layout.3/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_4_8 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 10 11 14 15 Partition 3 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 8 9 12 13 config.4_4_8/layout.4/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_4_8 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 8 9 12 13 Partition 3 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 10 11 14 15 config.4_4_8/layout.5/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_4_8 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 10 11 14 15 Partition 3 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 8 9 12 13 config.4_4_8/layout.6/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.4_4_8 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 8 9 12 13 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 10 11 14 15 Partition 3 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 config.8_8/layout.1/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.8_8 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 8 9 12 13 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 10 11 14 15 config.8_8/layout.2/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.8_8 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 4 5 10 11 14 15 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 2 3 6 7 8 9 12 13 config.8_8/layout.3/layout.desc: ############################################################################## This is the description of one of the layout choices for a config.8_8 system partition configuration of a 16 switch-port system with 0 intermediate switch boards. ############################################################################## Partition 1 contains switch port numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Partition 2 contains switch port numbers: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ################# # SP log facility ################# setup sysctl vi /etc/logmgt.acl add Principal setup logtable root@cws [/spdata/sys1/logtables]#cat # # This is a sample service collection table for css problems. # To use: # 1. Uncomment lines to be collected. # 2. Replace the target node list for each line with node names, # a file containing node names, or a ! to designate the # local node. (See the splm reference page) # 3. Add to the node list or add additional collection commands # if needed. # # In this table the following target nodes need to edited: # eprimary - Eprimary node # suspectnodes - List of problem nodes. #eprimary,suspectnodes: /var/adm/SPlogs/css/* /css/ cws: /var/adm/SPlogs/css/summlog.out #eprimary: /tmp/Enodes.SDR node1: /tmp/Enodes.SDR #eprimary: /tmp/node_list node1: /tmp/node_list root@cws [/spdata/sys1/logtables]#splm -a view -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/>> cws cws: /var/adm/SPlogs/css/summlog.out ================================================================== css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws: 8 - 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: connect(): A file or directory in the path name does not exist.. We will retry until we have success. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws succeeded - continuing. css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on cws: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws: 8 - 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: connect(): A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.. We will retry until we have success. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws succeeded - continuing. css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on cws: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws: 8 - 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: connect(): A file or directory in the path name does not exist.. We will retry until we have success. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws succeeded - continuing. css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on cws: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws: 8 - 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: connect(): A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.. We will retry until we have success. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws succeeded - continuing. css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on cws: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 2 spec: 3 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node1_i: gen: 2 spec: 3 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 2 spec: 5 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 2 spec: 5 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 2 spec: 3 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 2 spec: 5 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node1_i: gen: 2 spec: 5 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node1_i: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node1_i: gen: 2 spec: 5 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node1_i: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node1_i: gen: 2 spec: 5 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node1_i: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 2 spec: 5 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 2 spec: 5 css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on node5_i: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog: chdir to /spdata/sys1/ha/css: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. css.summlog: chdir to /spdata/sys1/ha/css: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. css.summlog: chdir to /spdata/sys1/ha/css: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. css.summlog: chdir to /spdata/sys1/ha/css: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. css.summlog: chdir to /spdata/sys1/ha/css: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. css.summlog: chdir to /spdata/sys1/ha/css: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws: 8 - 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: connect(): A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.. We will retry until we have success. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws succeeded - continuing. css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on cws: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog: chdir to /spdata/sys1/ha/css: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. css.summlog: chdir to /spdata/sys1/ha/css: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. css.summlog: chdir to /spdata/sys1/ha/css: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws: 8 - 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: connect(): A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.. We will retry until we have success. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws succeeded - continuing. css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on cws: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws: 8 - 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: connect(): A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.. We will retry until we have success. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws succeeded - continuing. css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on cws: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws: 8 - 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: connect(): A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.. We will retry until we have success. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws succeeded - continuing. css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on cws: gen: 3 spec: 2 css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws: 8 - 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: connect(): A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.. We will retry until we have success. css.summlog: ha_em_start_session for cws succeeded - continuing. css.summlog cws: EM error for IBM.PSSP.CSSlog.errlog on cws: gen: 3 spec: 2 >> node1 splm: 2508-210 No match found to source directory /tmp/node_list, skipping... node1: /tmp/Enodes.SDR ================================================================================ 1 0 node1_i IP 5 4 node5_i IP archive erstellen mkdir /var/archives root@cws [~]#splm -a archive -t /spdata/sys1/logtables/ -c -d /var/archives cws: splm: Found authorization file splm.allow. cws: splm: Created directory: /var/archives/ cws: splm: Calculating space available in /var/archives/ cws: splm: Space available is 88388 kb. node1: splm: 2508-209 Insufficient authorization to run this function. cws: splm: Calculating space requirements. cws: splm: Space required is 6 kb. cws: splm: Processing archive actions... cws: splm: File /var/adm/SPlogs/css/summlog.out copied to /var/archives/ cws: splm: Created file: /var/archives/ root@cws [~]#ls -al /var/archives/ total 19 drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 512 12 Aug 14:37 . drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 512 12 Aug 14:37 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2519 12 Aug 14:37 cws.tar.Z -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 5768 30 Jul 13:44 summlog.out root@cws [~]#/usr/local/bin/tar -tzvf /var/archives/ drwxr-xr-x root/system 0 2002-08-12 14:37 /var/archives/ -rw-r--r-- root/system 5768 2002-07-30 13:44 /var/archives/ ########################### # trim logfile SPdaemon.log ########################### Voraussetzung: Principle muss in /etc/logmgt.acl enthalten sein! alles was aelter ist als 3 tage raus root@cws [~]#dsh psyslclr -y 3 -l /var/adm/SPlogs/SPdaemon.log node1_i: psyslclr: /var/adm/SPlogs/SPdaemon.log========================================== node1_i: psyslclr: Completed 639 records trimmed. node1_i: psyslclr: Syslogd restarted with configuration file: /etc/syslog.conf. node5_i: psyslclr: /var/adm/SPlogs/SPdaemon.log========================================== node5_i: psyslclr: Completed 313 records trimmed. node5_i: psyslclr: Syslogd restarted with configuration file: /etc/syslog.conf. root@cws [~]#psyslclr -y 3 -l /var/adm/SPlogs/SPdaemon.log psyslclr: /var/adm/SPlogs/SPdaemon.log==========================================psyslclr: Completed 1872 records trimmed. psyslclr: Syslogd restarted with configuration file: /etc/syslog.conf. #################### # check pssp version #################### splst_versions root@cws [/var/adm/SPlogs/kerberos]#splst_versions PSSP-3.2 per node root@cws [~]#splst_versions -t 1 PSSP-3.2 5 PSSP-3.2 Earliest and latetest PSSP-Version splst_versions -l -e root@cws [~]#splst_versions -l -e PSSP-3.2 ######################## # bootlist setzen auf sp ######################## setzt anhand der einstellungen in der SDR die bootlist root@cws [~]#spbootlist -l 1 spbootlist: total number of bootlists set successfully = 1 spbootlist: total number of bootlists which could not be set = 0 spbootlist: total number of invalid nodes selected = 0 spbootlist: total number of invalid volume groups selected = 0